The St. Joseph School District is dedicated to strengthening relationships with all stakeholders to enhance the education of all St. Joseph students. Visit this page to learn more about our district and community partnerships.
- Alumni Information
- Bonds and Levies
- Learn About St. Joseph
- Military Families Resources
- Partners in Education
- Vision Forward
Alumni Information
Bonds and Levies
Learn About St. Joseph
Chamber of Commerce
The St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce offers almost endless ways to build up your business with people you meet at Chamber events.
Champions of Commerce
Find listing of of local and national restaurants and local stores and services.
City of St. Joseph
The city's website provides information about utility services, parks and facilities, local transportation, and much more.
Convention & Visitors Bureau
Find out about our area museums, annual festivals, amazing architecture listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the Kansas City Chiefs Summer Training Camp.
Discover Downtown
A comprehensive listing and map of every business to be found in Downtown Saint Joseph.
Uncommon Character
A great place for new residents to find out about the community and how to get connected.
Military Families Resources
Operation Support Military Kids is committed to supporting families, especially children, affected by a loved one in the military.
Military Kids Connect is an e-community where kids can share feelings about deployment & have fun!
The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) supports the children of men and women serving in the armed forces.
Military OneSource offers resources, referrals, consultations and counseling services on the issues that concern military families; 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year.
PTSD Education offers an array of educational resources for clinicians involved in screening & treatment of veterans & their families.
The Sesame Street for Military Families app puts all of Sesame's bilingual (English & Spanish) resources for military families right in your pocket! Now you can use your mobile device to access engaging videos, articles, storybooks, parent guides, and more to help you support your preschool and school-aged children as they encounter transitions common to military families.
Partners in Education
The Partners in Education Program allows one more way for the District to be engaged with and reach out to the community for assistance. These partnerships provide opportunities for students to receive various time, energy, and resources from the business community to enhance their educational experiences. Currently 175 businesses are actively involved with the SJSD schools. Partnerships encompass many activities from employees serving as volunteer mentors in classrooms, internship programs, sponsoring various programs within the buildings, providing financial assistance for field trips, attendance incentives, and student rewards. All buildings have at least one “official” partner.
Mike Buckler
Current Business Partners
Guidelines for Partnerships
The major function of the Coordinator is to connect area businesses with the schools in the St. Joseph School District. Coordinator would seek out prospective partners as well as follow up on “leads” from the schools.
The Coordinator will establish a relationship with the business and offer suggestions as to what school would be a “good fit” and provide examples of current successful partnerships.
The Coordinator would set up a communication between the school and the business and then turn the partnership over to the principal for follow up and individual partnership ideas.
Principal or their designated liaison would continue the relationship with the business on a yearly basis.
Principal would contact the Coordinator if partner contact person changes so that data base can be updated regularly.
Coordinator would follow-up a new partnership with a SJSD certificate, awards, etc. as a “thank you” for working with our schools.
Coordinator would stay in contact with partners and send a year-end survey to each partner and the school.
Partnerships are most effective if both partners agree on the following:
The major emphasis is on the use of voluntary human resources to enrich the educational environment.
The commitment of the chief executive officer and school principal are communicated to all company employees and school staff.
Partnerships are based on developing a relationship between the school and business.
The partnership is built around district and building goals and included in the School Improvement Plan.
Each partnership is autonomous and designed to meet the mutual needs of school and business. Schools identify their needs and partners identify resources and projects. A mutual agreement spells out commitments, activities, time frame, and responsibilities.
Partnerships are developed by a team of people from the school and business who share in the preparation of goals and activities. Broad-based representation from school, business, parents, and community is important to overall success.
Partnerships are sustained by ongoing communication between school and business.
Partnership activities support the total development of all students.
Partners need to receive recognition, both internally and publicly.
Partnerships must be accountable. Businesses need assurance that what they are doing is worthwhile and making a difference.
- Designate a planning team (3-4 employees/staff/parents) to develop partnership projects and activities.
- Designate a liaison for the team.
- Conduct a needs assessment and a resource assessment. Compile the information.
- Prepare a profile of your school for your business partner.
- Appoint a planning team member who will be responsible for relaying public relations information to the School To Business Partners Coordinator and to the school newsletter.
- Promote the School To Business Partners program in your school with requests for input, letters sent to homes, posters, bulletin board displays, etc.
- Complete survey at end of each school year and submit to School To Business Partners Coordinator.
A principal who is strongly committed, enthusiastic, and understands the program, is the key to success. Leadership from the principal gives the program increased credibility and impact with the teachers, students, parents, and the partner. The principal will:
- Designate a competent and interested school coordinator who has the time to devote to the program.
- Work closely with the school coordinator in a co-leadership role.
- Establish a committee within the school to plan partnership activities.
- Provide a school environment that contributes to the success of the program.
- Promote and publicize the partnership.
- Serve as the official contact between the school and the School To Business Partners Coordinator.
- Coordinate teacher release time, scheduling, and allocation of resources.
- Assist with evaluation of the program.
- Arrange for follow-up, thank you, and distribution of any program information.
- Complete end of year survey and submit to School To Business Partners Coordinator.
The business leader must have a personal and corporate commitment to the School To Business Partnership program. This commitment is evidenced by his/her approval and adherence to the guidelines and principles of the program and the communication of this commitment to all levels of the organization. This individual’s role will be the same regardless of the size of the organization. The business leader will:
* Establish top level commitment to School To Business partnership
* Authorize use of company resources.
* Designate a high-level representative as business coordinator.
* Promote participation by employees.
Partnership is a two-way street. The activities in which you participate as school partners are as limitless as the resources and imagination you have to offer. Here are some suggestions:
TUTORING – Students or teachers can provide one-on-one tutoring in many skill areas for business employees: reading, writing, math, English as 2nd Language, etc.
TECHNICAL TRAINING – A school can offer in-service workshops or seminars in accounting, bookkeeping, computers, general office management, etc.
WORKSHOPS – (General) Teachers can develop and present workshops in such areas as parent/teacher conferences, how to help a youngster study effectively, etc. Teachers can also develop workshop ideas that may be used in a company’s training program.
STUDENT ART/WORK DISPLAYS – Student artwork, decorations, projects, etc. can be displayed in the company’s lobby, cafeteria, or offices.
PUBLIC RELATIONS – Students can feature interviews of people from the business organization, or students can feature important happenings with regard to the business organization in the school newspaper or school-sponsored television program.
ENTERTAINMENT – Students can provide entertainment (musical, theatrical, instrumental) for business partner event.
RECOGNITION – Schools can host recognition breakfasts and luncheons for business partner volunteers. Schools can also award plaques and scrolls (designed by students and/or faculty) to business participants.
SCHOOL FACILITIES – Facilities such as the gymnasium, the cafeteria, classrooms, music rooms, the media center, etc. can be made available to the partner. In addition, outside facilities such as the playground, track, soccer field, football field, can also be made available to business partner employees.
THANK YOU CARDS - Students can design and send special cards to company employees and/or company customers.
BULLENTIN BOARDS – Schools and partners can exchange bulletin boards to display each other’s achievements.
SPEAKERS – The principal, faculty/staff, and even select students can serve as guest speakers at business partner functions.
TOURS – Schools can provide a tour of the facilities and discuss special services of the school.
COMPLIMENTARY PARTICIPATION – School can invite business employees to attend special school events – plays, musicals, sports functions – at no or little costs.
CONTESTS – School partners can invite business partners to participate in athletic or other contests.
The activities in which you participate as a Partner in Education are as limitless as the resources and imagination you have to offer. Here are some suggestions:
Provide classroom speakers and presenters.
Host tours through the workplace.
Arrange career “shadowing” of employees for an hour/day.
Serve as a resource for a school-sponsored “Career Day” presentation.
Arrange for student internship/mentorship so young people first-hand can
learn the business.
Consult with students involved in business-oriented research.
Provide student scholarships.
Allow students to help with company-involved community projects.
Display student projects at the business (e.g. arts, crafts, photography, etc.).
Hire students during summer or after school.
Provide one-on-one counseling/training related to career and job interviews.
Allow students to give entertainment performances at the workplace.
Serve as curriculum consultants to teachers in specific areas.
Develop supplemental teaching/instructional materials.
Offer summer training courses to teachers as well as new employees.
Host teacher for summer employment in specific curriculum-related jobs.
Assist teachers as volunteer aides (e.g. , in health screening, playground
Supervision, tutoring, etc.).
Donate surplus equipment or supplies for classroom/office use.
Provide meeting space or special facility use at the workplace.
Sponsor school contests and serve as judges (e.g., writing, spelling bee,
reading, poster contests, science fair, etc.)
Participate in school beautification, repair, and renovation projects.
Assist with after-school activities (e.g., plays, athletics, band, etc.)
Help with fund-raising activities (e.g., sales, events, drives, etc.)
Sponsor or organize a school club (e.g., math, computers, photography, etc.
Provide volunteer help in non-classroom settings (e.g., office,
cafeteria, library, media center, etc.) Provide funding for student rewards,
field trips, honors, etc.
Vision Forward
Beginning in 2021, a broad-based group of citizens developed a long-range plan for the St. Joseph School District that reflects the community’s priorities related to the future operations and educational opportunities for students in the district. Creative Entourage, a firm with experience in leading community engagement programs and members of the district’s administrative team will helped guide the process. Recommendations were made to the St. Joseph Board of Education in December 2022. Learn about the full process by clicking the link below.